julie kaldenhoven
visual artist


Click on the thumbnails above to see the panels before and after I painted them!

The 2012 Cultivate Life in St. Albert mural is one of the newest projects from the creators of Mural Mosaic (see link below).  The mural replaces the weather-damaged St. Albert Legacy Mural (What Inspires a Child). To preserve the new outdoor mural for posterity, each image has been photographed and mounted on a special weatherproof substrate, while the originals wait in storage until a suitable permanent indoor space becomes available.  The mural is located on the south wall of the Gaffney McGreer building in St. Albert.

"Studio Gallery Still Life" (Panel #164) is my contribution to the Cultivate Life in St. Albert mural.  Click on the thumbnail to see the before/after images.

Cultivate Life in St. Albert Mural Mosaic


The Mural Mosaics are the brainchild of Lewis Lavoie, a well-known St. Albert artist, and Phil Alain, a local arts promoter.  Take a peek at their website for an eye-popping glimpse into some of the most amazing collaborative art projects today.

I painted "Chickadee-dee-dee" (Panel #167) (left) for the 2007 Mural Mosaic Earth's Treasure Chest - Wildlife Ark. The 216 16-inch square panels making up the mural were auctioned off to support CPAWS, with over $45,000 raised!  

Click on the chickadee to see the before/after images.

 "Everybody's Grandfather -Dr. J.W. Grant MacEwan" (Panel #263) (left)

is the 16x16 piece I painted for the 2007 Mural Mosaic Earth's Treasure Chest - Wildlife Ark. The 216 panels making up the mural were auctioned off to support CPAWS, with over $45,000 raised!  The mural's permanent home is outside the Vic Juba Community Theatre in Lloydmister, Saskatchewan.

Click on Dr. MacEwan to see the before/after images.

Wildlife Ark - Earth's Treasure Chest Mural

The Buffalo Twins - Alberta/Saskatchewan Centennial Mural

Click on the thumbnails to see the completed murals.

Copyright ©

Julie Kaldenhoven 2013


